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Cambridge Art Club to present major exhibition of works by China's leading contemporary artists

日期: 2024年4月10日至12日

Date: April 10 - 12, 2024

地点: The Pitt Building, Trumpington St, Cambridge CB2 1RP

Venue: The Pitt Building, Trumpington St, Cambridge CB2 1RP

开放时间: 上午9点至下午5点30分

Open time: 9am to 5.30pm

入场费: 免费

Ticket: Free


Immerse yourself in a vibrant showcase of contemporary Chinese art at the Cambridge Art Club! This major exhibition, co-presented with the International Federation of Contemporary Artists (USA), features over 20 works by 13 celebrated artists.


Explore a captivating blend of Eastern and Western influences, with paintings and sculptures that delve into themes of nature, society, and humanity. Witness the power of artistic expression as these leading figures push boundaries and challenge perspectives.


  • 马东民的一系列蓝色骏马,灵感来自奥迪的精神,反映了社会和人类体验。
  • 探索人类与自然世界之间关系的作品,呼应了中国文人画的传统。
  • 质疑社会结构和我们在宇宙中位置的作品。

Highlights include:

  • A series of majestic blue horses by Dongmin Ma, inspired by the spirit of Audi and reflecting social and human experiences.
  • Works that explore the relationship between humans and the natural world, Echoing the tradition of Chinese literati art.
  • Pieces that question societal structures and our place within the universe.


Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience the dynamism of contemporary Chinese art!

展览组织者: 剑桥艺术俱乐部(剑桥大学彭布罗克学院)& 美国国际当代艺术家联合会

Exhibition Organized by: Cambridge Art Club (Pembroke College, Cambridge) & International Federation of Contemporary Artists (USA)

展览策展人: 马东民

Exhibition Curator: Dongmin Ma

联系人:Yan Ruici

Contact person:Yan Ruici

联系方式: springsnowdrop18@gmail.com

Email: springsnowdrop18@gmail.com


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